Apparatus Exempt from Radio Frequency Spectrum Licenses

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) amends Annexure B of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015 and are called the Amended Radio Frequency Spectrum Amendment Regulations, 2019.

The use or possession of the the following radio apparatus, in accordance with all relevant specifications (Maximum Transmit Power, Field Strength or Sensitivity Limits & Channel spacing), shall not require a radio frequency spectrum licence:

  • Inductive Devices: 9 - 140kHz
  • ULP-AMI Devices: 9 – 315kHz
  • ULP-AIDs and Peripherals: 315 - 600kHz
  • RFID: 865 - 868MHz
  • WLAN: 2400 - 2483.5MHz
  • Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) communication devices: 3100 - 3400MHz
  • Wireless Access Systems / Radio Local Access Network (WAS & RLAN): 5470 - 5725MHz

For the full list of apparatus exempt from radio frequency spectrum licences, please refer to this document.

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