The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) of Canada updates the technical requirements for fixed earth stations operating above 1 GHz, in space radiocommunication services and earth stations on board vessels (ESVs) operating in the fixed-satellite service.
The Standard Radio System Plan (SRSP) states the basic technical requirements that fixed earth stations operating above 1 GHz in any space radiocommunication service must meet (other than mobile-satellite and amateur-satellite services). This also applies for eath stations on board vessels operating in the fixed-satellite service.
Earth stations that conform to SRSP-101 will be given priority in licensing over nonstandard earth stations.
Below is the list of technical requirements specified for space radiocommunication services:
Technical Requirements
- Power limitations in frequency bands shared with terrestrial services in Canada
- Power stability
- Frequency tolerance
- Emission limits
- Receiver spurious emission limits
- Off-axis e.i.r.p. density limits (operation with geostationary satellites)
- Antenna gain patterns (operation with geostationary satellites)
In this second issue of SRSP-101, an update is provided on the specifications of equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) density in certain bands, and to harmonize with other jurisdictions.
Technical Updates
- Annex A, section 2.5, 2.6: Off-axis e.i.r.p. density limits changed to remove discontinuity that exists at 48Β°.
- Annex A, section 2.6: The e.i.r.p. density is now expressed in dBW/MHz instead of dBW/40kHz for the frequency band 27.5β30 GHz.
- Annex B: Title modified to clarify that the annex applies only to earth stations operating with geostationary satellite orbit satellites.
- Annex B: The corresponding antenna patterns of annex A sections 2.5 and 2.6 have been modified.
- Section 1: New note informing that SRSP-101 can also be used in evaluating the technical component of applications for earth stations in motion operating in the fixed-satellite service until an appropriate SRSP is developed.
For the full release of SRSP-101, please refer to this link.