The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) of Japan issued a partial amendment for the evaluation of radio frequency exposure from wireless/radio equipment.
The changes and updates are highlighted below:
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Applicable Radio Equipment
Operating frequencies from 100kHz to 6GHz
- Land mobile station
- Land mobile system for Broadband Wireless Access
- Advanced MCA land mobile stations
- 700MHz band intelligent transport systems land mobile stations
- Time division multiple access, digital cordless telephone in broadband (DECT)
- Time division / orthogonal frequency-division multiple access system, digital cordless telephone in broadband (sXGP)
- Portable mobile earth station for iridium system (Iridium / Globalstar)
- Portable mobile earth station for THURAYA
- INMARSAT portable mobile earth station (GSPS)
- Portable mobile earth station for disaster prevention, portable satellite communications
Incident Power Density (IPD) Applicable Radio Equipment
Operating frequencies from 6GHz to 30GHz and 30GHz to 300GHz
- Land mobile station (5G / mmW)
- Outdoor Ultra Wide Band radio system (outdoor UWB)
- Specific low power radio equipment (Millimeter-wave radar)
- Low power data communications system (from 57GHz to 66GHz)
Radio Equipment Containing Multiple Radios
Host equipment containing multiple radio modules and capable of transmitting multiple radio frequencies at the same time
- PHS radio station
- Low power data communications system (without quasi-millimeter band operating from 57GHz to 66GHz)
- High power data communications system in 5.2GHz band, land mobile station
Certification per the radio law is required if SAR or IPD is applicable to the end product, or if a certified module is used in an end product in which SAR applies.
These changes have been fully implemented and in effect as of May 20, 2019.