Updated National Allocation Table for Radio Services and Frequency Usage

The Frequency Management Council of Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) publishes the updated frequency allocation table for services and frequency usage.

Nigeria is falls under Region 1 ITU (International Telecommunication Union). The allocation tables show the frequency allocation in Nigeria as compared to ITU region 1 allocations.

Frequency allocation in Nigeria is separated into the following 6 segments:

  • Segment 1: Below 30MHz
  • Segment 2: 30 - 300MHz
  • Segment 3: 300MHz - 3GHz
  • Segment 4: 3 - 10GHz
  • Segment 5: 10 - 30GHz
  • Segment 6: 30 - 300GHz

Services are allocated either on a primary or secondary basis. If a frequency band is allocated to more than one service, distinctions are made between such services to reflect their status as either primary or secondary allocations.

Stations providing secondary services are restricted from the following:

  • Causing harmful interference to stations of primary service to which frequencies are already assigned or to which frequencies could be subsequently assigned.
  • Claiming protection from harmful interference from stations of a primary service to which frequencies are already assigned or could be subsequently assigned.

Stations providing secondary services are not restricted from claiming protection, however, from harmful interference from station of the same or other secondary services(s) to which frequencies could be subsequently assigned.

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