Updates to Restricted Bands Usable by Radiofrequency Equipment

The National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) of Brazil updates the list of restricted radiofrequency bands and the usable bands by restricted RF equipment.

These changes will be effective as of September 1st, 2020 and it replaces the restricted bands previously defined by ANATEL. The updated list of restricted bands is shown below:

0.495-0.505 16.80425-16.80475 1,660-1,710 12.2-12.7
2.1735-2.1905 21.87-21.924 2,200-2,300 13.25-13.4
4,125-4,128 23.2-23.35 2,483.5-2,500 14.47-14.5
4,17725-4,17775 25.5-25.67 2,690-2,900 15.35-16.2
4.20725-4.20775 37.5-38.25 3,260-3,267 20.2-21.26
6.215-6.218 73-74.6 4,200-4,400 22.01-23.12
6.26775-6.26825 74.8-75.2 4,800-5,150 23.6-24
6.31175-6.31225 108-138 5.350-5.460 31.2-31.8
8.291-8.294 149.9-150.05 8,025-8,500 36.43-36.5
8.362-8.366 156.52475-156.52525 9,000-9,200 38.6-46.7
8.37625-8.38675 156.7-156.9 9,300-9,500 46.9-57
8.41425-8.41475 242.95-243 - 71-76
12.29-12.293 322-335.4 - Above 81
12.51975-12.52025 399.9-410 - -
12.57675-12.57725 608-614 - -
13.36-13.41 960-1215 - -
16.42-16.423 1,300-1,427 - -

A few key changes are the following:

  • The frequency band 5.9 GHz - 7.1 GHz, commonly used for Wi-Fi is now permitted for use.
  • The 5.850 - 5.925 GHz band has been opened for 802.11p (V2X).
  • The 57 - 71 GHz band is now used for 802.11ad.
  • The 76 to 81 GHz is now used for radar systems.

Below are the radio frequency bands usable by restricted radiofrequency equipment with alternative emissions limits:

Start FrequencyStop FrequencyUnit
26.97 27.28 MHz
40.66 40.7 MHz
43.7 47 MHz
48.7 50 MHz
50.79 50.99 MHz
53.05 53.85 MHz
54 73 MHz
74.6 74.8 MHz
75.2 108 MHz
138 149.9 MHz
150.05 156.52475 MHz
156.52525 156.7 MHz
156.9 242.95 MHz
243 322 MHz
335.4 399.9 MHz
410 608 MHz
614 940 MHz
944 960 MHz
1,710 1,785 MHz
1,805 1,880 MHz
1,885 1,900 MHz
1,910 1,980 MHz
2,110 2,170 MHz
2,300 2,483.5 MHz
2,500 2,690 MHz
2,900 3,260 MHz
3,267 4,200 MHz
4,400 4,800 MHz
5,150 5,350 MHz
5,460 8,025 MHz
8,500 9,000 MHz
9,200 9,300 MHz
9,500 10,600 MHz
18.82 18.87 GHz
19.16 19.26 GHz
22 22.01 GHz
23.12 23.6 GHz
24 29 GHz
46.7 46.9 GHz
57 71 GHz
76 81 GHz

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