New Frequency Resolution 1807 has been issued

The Subsecretaria de Telecomunicacioines (SUBTEL) in Chile has issed Resolution 1807 on October 22, 2020. This is the new modification for the current 1985 resolution.

Some of the major changes with this regularion are:

  • The output power limit for the 5.150-5.5250GHz band has been increased from max EIRP 250mW to max EIRP 1W (30dBm) with max PSD of 17mW/MHz and is restricted to indoor use.
  • Access Point, also referred to as AP operating the frequency band 5.925 to 7.125 MHz, for exclusive indoor use and meet the following transmission power requirements: 30 dBM maximum EIRP and Maximum spectral density of 5 dBm/MHz.
  • APs using this band must have integrated antennas and can't use external or removable antennas
  • Aps using this band also cannot use internal batteries or have any spaces for their installation.
  • User terminal devices associated with AP equipment must operate at the following power levels: Maximum EIRP of 24 dBM or 250mW and Maximum PSD of -1 dBm/MHz

This Resolution will incorporate the new frequency bands under Wi-Fi 6 into the technical standard.

  • It will also provide clarity on the frequency range and power levels especially for those who operae inside a building. This includes the operating of the band 5150-5250 MHs with higher power for inside building usages.

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