A Change to Executive Decree n° 05-458

The Agence de Régulation des Postes et des Communication Electroniques Republique du Congo (ARPCE), has recently modified Executive Decree n° 05-458 of November 2005.

There are New Requirements Approval Procedure for Terminal Equipment and Radio Installations as well. Specifically, this modification consists of adding additional requirements for terminal equipment and radio installations. This is meant to regulate any new imports to the country.

This is meant to Inform trade registration containing the activity code linked to the manufacture, import, and marketing of terminal equipment or electrical installations falling within the competence of the Regulatory Authority. Along with that, it is meant to communicate the serial numbers and IMEIS of all terminal equipment, it can be informed to the authority at the latest one month after the equipment has been placed on the national market. The decision came into effect on October 13, 2021.

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