The Superintendent of Granting and Resources for the Provision of the National Telecommunication Agency, in the exercise of the attributions conferred upon it by Ordinance No. 419, of May 24, 2013. With consideration to the competence given by Items XIII and XIV of Art 19 of Law No. 9,472/97-General Telecommunications Law. Whereas the technical requirements establish the technical parameters and criteria verified in the conformity assessment of on or more types of telecommunications product, pursuant to art. 22 of the Regulations for Conformity Assessment and Homologation of Telecommunications Products, approved by Resolution No. 715, of October 23, 2019. Considering what is contained in the case file No.53500.068407/2021-01. First Article approves the technical requirements of electrical safety for assessing the conformity of products for telecommunications in the form of annex to this Act. Second Article revokes Act No. 950, of February 8, 2018 one year after the date of publication of this act. And third article of this act enters into force on the date of its publication in Anatelβs Electronic Services Bulletin, the application of its annex being mandatory, one year after the date of its entry into force.
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