NBTC Required Documents Guideline

Here is a summary of NBTC required documents guideline. Due to previous annoucement for technical standard NBTC ts 1039-2566 telecommunication equipment using frequency of 5.925-6.425ghz which was issued on april 28, 2023, nbtc had arranged an internal meeting on june 8, 2023 to conclude on required documents and test reports for class B. Here are summary of required documents/test reports guideline:

WIFI 6E Module Approval.

Prior to this, frequency 6.425-7.125 GHz is quite illegal in Thailand, so NBTC has never approved a wifi 6E module.However, NBTC has come to the conclusion that it can authorize Sdoc for a wifi 6E module in order to enable importation of that module into the Thai market. All 6.425-7.125 GHz frequency can not be shown.

End product approval using RF test reports of wifi 6E radio module NBTC permits the use of the RF test reports of the wifi 6E module for end product approval.

All 6.425-7.125 GHz frequency can not be shown. Both test mode LPI (250 mW EIRP) and VLP (25 mW EIRP) must be included in the test report.

End product approval using test reports of end product same with End product approval using RF test reports of wifi 6E radio module. Wi-Fi 6E radio module RF test reports will be used for end product approval, but 5.925-7.125 GHz will be turned off (and only 2.4 and 5GHz will be used).Same with End product approval using RF test reports of wifi 6E radio module.

RF test report requirements.

The test results for every supporting bandwidth must be included in the RF test report. The RF test report must include testing of all 4 potential bandwidths, for instance, if the device supports the following 4 bandwidths: 20/40/80/160.

EMF/SAR test report requirements.

All 6.425-7.125 GHz frequency can not be shown in EMF/SAR test reports. It shall contain only 5.925-6.425 GHz.

Transmit Power Envelope (TPE)-using products same with End product approval using RF test reports of wifi 6E radio module.

For indoor and outdoor as well as exclusively indoor products. The NBTC will classify portable items with rechargeable batteries as being suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

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