Clarifying NOM-024 Expands On Previous Standard

The Secretaría de Economía (SE) of Mexico published a proposal on September 26, 2022 for standard PROY-NOM-024-SE-2022. This would cancel and replace the NOM-024-SCFI-2013 that was published on August 12th, 2013. Currently the Draft for this proposal is open to the public for comments until the deadline of October 26th, 2022.

The proposed new standard would include an “exception section” that clarifies that products that are not intended for a point of sale do not need to comply with this standard. Another change includes the conformity assessment procedure. For example, the new standard would guarantee that the requirements, the conditions for family grouping, and the delivery times requested and offered by the Verification Units (VU) are the same for all applicants in all accredited. The finally the appendices A and B have been added. In the first one, the information for the labeling for rebuilt, reconditioned, second line, out of specifications, remanufactured, used or second-hand products are established for end buyer’s clarification. As well as Appendix B which specifies the dimensions of the commercial information label.

This will impact all electronic, electrical, and home appliance products that are new, rebuilt, refurbished, second-hand, or otherwise modified from it’s original state. This will impact all commercial information labeling and the new frequency plan. There is currently. No official timeline for publication and the Draft standard proposed may be modified after comments have been review before the official standard is published.

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